Friday, September 16, 2011

Festive of the trees

My family(Kimber and Jessica) has decided to do a tree for the Festival of the Trees who's proceeds will go to Primary Children's Medical Center. This is a huge undertaking. If you have ever been to the festival, the trees are incredible. My family isn't the craftiest bunch, but with your help we think we can pull off a pretty amazing tree. We are keeping the theme a secret (because it will be so awesome we don't want others to steal our ideas), but I'll give you a hint, what does my family like more than anything?? Disney of course! If you would like to donate any time, talent, or make a cash donation we would really appreciate it. We are dedicating the tree to my brother who is battling cancer right now and has such an amazing attitude. He is an inspiration.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm not ready for this!

Happy birthday to my wonderful Meghee pies! She is now 14, and that means she can start going to regional dances..... Am I ready for that????

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sports fans!

 We had these pictures taken for my dad for Fathers Day. If you cant guess he is a Dallas Cowboy fan, and also a Pittsburg Pirates fan. We had fun doing them. We also did the Nike photos for Jeff. he isn't really into sports, but he loves running.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Siblings with spouses, and Mom and Dad
The 6 siblings
The grandkids with Grandma and Grandpa. 18 Grand kids!
Sweet baby Zoie
Bryce and Shannon
Mom and Dad
Lacey, Jason and Zoie
Steve, Lydia, Steven, Dallas, Marek, Evan, Lily, Brenden
Corben, Shane, Adam, Hayden, Stephanie, Lexi
Eve, Landen, Emily, David, Brayton