Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Dude!

Bradlee turns 8 years old today, so last night I took him to the Jazz game. I was able to get the Bear to come to our seats, and he silly stringed Bradlee, and then took him on the court to get a picture with the Jazz dancers. He told me I was going to have a hard time topping this birthday because it was the best ever. He said if I try really hard I might be able to do it next year. "Maybe take me to a football game for my birthday next year" He said.

If you can't tell by the expression on Bradlee's face he had a very good time, and he thought he was pretty cool to get his picture taken.

1 comment:

Landon Family said...

Hey, it's me (Lily Alldredge-Landon) your cousin. I never really spent time or got to know you guys much, but hey, we're still family! hahaha. I loved looking at your past posts and pictures. Your kids are so cute!