Thursday, October 11, 2007

I have been tagged!

Tamara tagged me, so here it is.

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. I was 19, and I was recovering from having a baby
2. I was a newly wed
3. Jeff and I were trying to figure out if we wanted to move to Nevada for a
job for Jeff
4.Meghan was a new born, and she got really sick, she was in the hospital for
3 days, and I was spending time with her at Primary Childrens Hospital
5. I was having my gallbladder removed.

5 Things on my To-do List:

1. Buy Bradlee some birthday presents.
2. take the family to Frightmares at Lagoon.
3. get ready for my Jewelry Party this weekend.
4. Get my work done for the day.
5. Watch Greys Anatomy (Cant miss that show, it is the best)

5 Things I would do if I had a million dollars

1. Pay off my house and bills
2. Put money away for the kids future
3. Help my family with any debt they might have
4. put a bunch of money in savings for Jeff and I when we retire.
5. Shop... lots and lots of shopping

5 Things I will never wear again

1. Skinny legged jeans. I just don't like them
2. a 2 piece swimming suit
3. I'm with Tamara on the Jelly Shoes
4. Those little clips you wear to make your shirts tighter
5. The mickey mouse jeans I wore on my first date with Jeff

5 Favorite Toys

1. cabbage patch dolls
2. my Jewelry (that is my kind of toy)
3. my cell phone
4. my car (if you saw all the cool features you can play with you would
understand why it is a toy to me)
5. Barbies

5 People I am tagging: I don't think I have 5 people I can tag that will look at my blog, so if my friends and family are looking do this, it is kinda fun to try and remember some of this stuff.

1 comment:

T J V said...

frightmares how fun! i have to admit that is the one thing at lagoon i liked. and woman of course grey's!!! the little old man was a riot, he should have woken up months ago and added some more laughs, haha.