Sunday, November 30, 2008
Crazy Again!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Proud Aunt
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Look how Cute!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
The tags keep coming

Favorite Color: My favorite color(s) are purple and Green. I don't know why or when or how they became my favorite colors, but thats the way it is.
Favorite Treat: This is tough because I love treats. I love me some Carrot Cake, but I also love a good brownie.... and I really enjoy a rice crispy treat, so the options are endless when it comes to delicious treats.
Favorite Fruit: Again the options are endless. Kiwi's are yummy, and strawberries are yummy, and watermelon are oh so yummy. to much yumminess to narrow it down to just one.
Lets see, a little known fact about me...... I am an open book! Oh, here is a little known fact, I am just like my dad. I have his attitude, I have his work ethic, and I pretty much take after him in just about everything. Go Cowboys!!! :)

Traveling: I'm not sure I have a particular place I would like to travel to. As long as I am with loved ones, and we are having fun and being happy that is all that matters to me.
Where I grew up: Utah born and raised
Where I live now: Salt Lake city Utah
Middle Name: My parents didn't give me a middle name.
First name: My real name is Michelle but I have always been known as Shelly
Biggest pet peeve: Oh boy, I have so many biggest pet peeves. Listening to people eat and drink is probably the biggest one. So lets just say that.
Favorite animal: Oh come on, that is easy my fave animal is my baby Cloee. she is so cute, and I just love her so much. I love my other dog Maggie too, but she is really Bradlee's favorite.

Past Love: The only love of my life past or present is my Wonderful, Fabulous Husband Jeff.
My greatest wish is that Jeff and I can one day be debt free, and live happily ever after.... Oh yes people I love a good fairy tale.
So I'm not going to tag anyone, but it can be kinda fun to do, so anyone who wants to play be my guest. Have fun!
1. People who are tagged need to post these rules, and 8 random habits/facts/quirks about themselves.
2. At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
Kimber tagged me, I think I will also turn it into family and not just myself. This will be interesting..... NOT!!!
Fact #1 My husband is colorblind. Not a big deal, yet the kids and I have fun with it. We like to ask him what color things are. The stop lights for instance, They don't look red, Yellow and Green to him. Lucky for us he knows where the red and green one goes :) He also sees grass as an orange color. Dead grass looks nicer to him than healthy grass..... Weird!!!
#2 I hate snow....... I love Christmas, and yes Christmas feels much better when it is a white Christmas. However.... I hate driving in the snow, I hate being cold. I dont ski, snowboard, sled, or even build a snowman. Snow is yucky! Yet I have lived in utah all of my life, and have no plans to move to a place where there is no snow.
#3 Kaylee and Bradlee are only 10 months apart, they are in the same grade, and they wish they were just twins. Bradlee and Kaylee love being so close in age, they have their differences, but all in all they love it. Jeff was to blame for their closeness, When Bradlee was blessed My wonderful husband said the wrong word. He asked that Bradlee watch over his younger sister.... What he should have said was watch over his Older sister.... OOPS! Kaylee took that as an opportunity to sneek into our family. The truth is our family wouldn't be complete without our beautiful Kaylee and we love her. But I was as an elephant and pregnant for almost 2 years straight. UGH!
#4 Jeff and I have been married for almost 12 years, yet we have nothing in common. Talk about opposites attract. He loves the snow.... No thanks! He loves to hike and camp..... The cabin is my idea of camping, you know showers, bathrooms, and a T.V. We dont listen to the same music, or watch the same thing on T.V. and movies are a nightmare to agree on. He hates sports and I enjoy them. Yet after almost 12 years of marriage I wouldn't change a thing.
#5 Jeff has broken his nose twice, once when he was 15 and once when he was 30. Thats right folks every 15 years of his life so far he has broken his nose. Weird huh?
#6 Meghan is super smart. She loves to be smarter than her mom and dad. At least she can help the other kids with their homework when Mom and Dad cant. :) HaHa!
#7 Bradlee wishes he could have a brother. He asks us all the time if we could get him a brother. We all know that isn't a simple task. He loves his sisters but he wishes he had another boy in the house to play with. You can only talk your sister into playing Star Wars so many times, and it is alot harder to convince a boy to play barbies. Lucky for me he has alot of friends.... But no, there will not be a brother in Bradlee's future. Sorry dude!
#8 I am terrified of Bee's, Spiders, and the dark. I don't know where these phobia's came from, but I get scared at night, and I wont go outside alone, not even on my porch. If I see a bee I scream and start to panic. Spiders.... just thinking about spiders makes me itchy and creeped out.
Ok, now I am tagging: Hillary, Monique, Stephanie, Lydia, Tasha, Tavish, Sharon, and Tamara.
Have fun!